
Works from the artist’s studio

Selection of photography and collages, in open edition, limited edition and unique pieces

Printed on 100% cotton fine art paper, and archival photographic paper. Numbered, signed, and provided with a certificate of authenticity of the work.

Details and curiosities about the works in each box produced


Showing 1–16 of 34 results


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  • Living nature
  • 2021, fotografia digitale, collages manuali su carta fine art. Il progetto prende ispirazione dalle nature morte barocche, dagli erbari, e dalle illustrazioni botaniche. Spread the love

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  • Expo – Land Escapes
  • Io e mio fratello, siamo stati invitati a partecipare alla mostra Land Escapes – Paesaggi dell’anima. L’associazione Lupus in Fabula di Montelupo (FI) con il patrocinio della Fondazione Peccioliper, ha organizzato un esposizione di pittori, poeti e fotografi toscani, grazie ad un bando per la valorizzazione del territorio. In mostra nelle ex carceri di Pecciol Expo – Land Escapes

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  • Other Identity
  • “OTHER IDENTITY” Other forms of cultural and public identity Second edition Curated and by Francesco Arena 9 – 23 March 2019 | GENOA Opening in all locations: Friday 8 March H. 17:00 ABC-ARTE Gallery, Guidi & Schoen-Contemporary Art Gallery, FIRST FLOOR of Palazzo Grillo, Sala Dogana-Palazzo Ducale Artists Karin Andersen | Holger Biermann | Silvia Other Identity

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