Photography and contemporary art

Living nature

2021, fotografia digitale, collages manuali su carta fine art. Il progetto prende ispirazione dalle nature morte barocche, dagli erbari, e dalle illustrazioni botaniche.

Expo – Land Escapes

Io e mio fratello, siamo stati invitati a partecipare alla mostra Land Escapes – Paesaggi dell’anima. L’associazione Lupus in Fabula di Montelupo (FI) con il patrocinio della Fondazione Peccioliper, ha organizzato un esposizione di pittori, poeti e fotografi toscani, grazie ad un bando per la valorizzazione del territorio. In mostra nelle ex carceri di Pecciol Expo – Land Escapes

Other Identity

8th march, Genova

“OTHER IDENTITY” Other forms of cultural and public identity Second edition Curated and by Francesco Arena 9 – 23 March 2019 | GENOA Opening in all locations: Friday 8 March H. 17:00 ABC-ARTE Gallery, Guidi & Schoen-Contemporary Art Gallery, FIRST FLOOR of Palazzo Grillo, Sala Dogana-Palazzo Ducale Artists Karin Andersen | Holger Biermann | Silvia Other Identity

Pubblication Cvazine

CVAzine issue #10 Collage

CVAzine number 10 Collages Some works from my “Apparent state” series in the CVAzine online magazine In each issue of the magazine, the artists are asked to confront themselves on a specific theme, in this case the collage.Twenty-two artists from all over the world have been selected for this edition. Watch it online Issue # Pubblication Cvazine

Exposition project “condition”

Elephant Paname, Parigi

Espo at Elephant Paname, Paris, by Roberto Baciocchi 4-29 aprile<br>Rue Volney 10 Paris CONDIZIONE The desire for “condition” is to stay as close as possible to the dynamics of the real world, always looking for quality. Everything must be reviewed, human beings and their emotions are the center of everything. What matters is the individual Exposition project “condition”

Studio backstage

New Works for sale

I am preparing new photographic works in unique pieces that will join those present in my shop. The photographs are all made in analog and digitally printed on semi-gloss Fuji Christal Archive Supreme paper. Signature and stamp of the artist on the back and separate certificate of authenticity of the work.

Exposition “In_Carta”

Group exposition of works on printed on paper

IN_CARTA – collective exhibition of works on paper Pasquinucci Furnace, Piazza Dori, 50050 Capraia Fiorentina (FI)from 2 to 10 September,vernissage Saturday 2 September at 6.30 pm Exhibition hours from 3 to 10 September, from 21.00 to 23.00The exhibition project collects the work of artists interested in freely expressing their poetics by reflecting on the theme Exposition “In_Carta”

Hope Silent auction


HOPE 22-23 / 2017 exhibition at the building of the Fraternity of the laity, piazza grande Arezzo opening hours 10-18h curated by Tiziana Tommei – Gallery 33 The Fraternity of the laity ONLINE CATALOG

Regarde / une partie d’une collection

Esposition in Arezzo

R | and | g | to | r | d | IS Une partie d’une collection15.10 | 06.11 2016 PAINT // Saturday 15 October 19h00Luciferi_secret_gallery LUCIFERI fineartlabPiazza San Michele, 2 // Arezzo WWW.LUCIFERI.IT LUCIFERI / lab@luciferi.it334 8304757/320