Single piece - Framed photo

Unique pieces of work.

Print with frame

Selection of photographic prints with frames from 2012 to today.

The unique pieces are photographs in small and medium format with frames. Like the open and limited editions prints, the unique pieces are signed, stamped and with a certificate of authenticity.

Each work is a unique piece because it cannot be reproduced with the same frame and in the same print format.

The type of print, paper and size, varies according to the characteristics of each photo, as well as the frame.

The frame, in this case, is part of the work itself, as it was chosen to emphasize the characteristics of the photo.
They are selected in antique shops and used for aesthetic affinity with my works, and for the past they carry with them.

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Showing 1–16 of 20 results

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  • Other Identity
  • “OTHER IDENTITY” Other forms of cultural and public identity Second edition Curated and by Francesco Arena 9 – 23 March 2019 | GENOA Opening in all locations: Friday 8 March H. 17:00 ABC-ARTE Gallery, Guidi & Schoen-Contemporary Art Gallery, FIRST FLOOR of Palazzo Grillo, Sala Dogana-Palazzo Ducale Artists Karin Andersen | Holger Biermann | Silvia Other Identity

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